Tuesday 31 July 2012

 God willing

You must not test the Lord your God as you did when you complained at Massah.
Deuteronomy 6:16 (New Living Translation)

Then the devil took Him to Jerusalem, to the highest point of the Temple, and said, “If You are the Son of God, jump off! For the Scriptures say,
‘He will order His angels to protect and guard You.
And they will hold You up with their hands
so You won’t even hurt Your foot on a stone.’
Jesus responded, “The Scriptures also say, ‘You must not test the Lord your God.’
Luke 4:9-12 (New Living Translation)
There are circumstances in our life when we often say "if God wants this to happen, it will take place" or "God willing...." We rely that God knows what we want and He will provide us with the same. But we forget that by using the word "if" we put the Lord into test. Do we not trust our God, the creator of the entire universe? Why do we say then, "if the Lord wants.....” We, as believers must proclaim our faith through our words. We should not say "if the Lord wants..."rather say ".....yes, this will take place. My faith tells me so"

Jesus himself proclaimed in this context. Satan tried to trick 
Jesus' authority of Him being the Son of God. Satan told Him if He was God's son He could throw himself down a certain point of the temple that was the highest and the angels would carry Him and not let even a single stone touch His feet. By using the word 'if', Satan tried to test God's son over His authority. Jesus replied "Never put the Lord your God to test". 

We, being spiritually strong lest we put God in tests in our everyday living and when we succeed, we feel our prayer's been answered and we praise Him. If otherwise, we feel God has something better in store for us or in extreme cases, we lose our hope in God. 

Whatever be the circumstances, we can give a positive answer in faith or pray for the same. Also we have been given a brain to think if its achievable otherwise give a negative answer if we feel so. If we are unsure of the answer we can say it out, “but without using statements like ‘God willing...’ ”

Its quite prominent that we being humans, having used such statements since childhood feel quite difficult to adapt ourselves to this change of trying not to use such statements. Our first reaction would be “God willing, I will stop myself”. This is our first step we need to examine. Why are we putting our God to test again? We are able enough to try and change ourselves. If we desire, we can control our speech and watch our words. This particular scenario can be utilized in many different aspects in our life. 

Message for the week:

If we are intending to live by the Word, we are able enough to change ourselves. We need not depend on God and wait for Him to change us. Depending on God to change us is equivalent to putting Him to test. He has equipped us with His SPIRIT that will guide us whilst not doubting him and grow spiritually. Recite this short prayer with me, "Lord, I am willing to change myself and grow spiritually in your name. My faith will lead your Spirit to guide me that I am able to not put you into test. Help me live by the Word and change myself.”

God bless you
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